Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What's a pdfcast?

A pdfcast is a kind of podcast, but with PDF documents instead of audio files. They can be downloaded using standard podcast clients, but not all might open the files properly once they've been downloaded. I don't know about other clients (email me if you're having problems) but I know that iTunes will work. However, if the PDF won't open in iTunes for Mac OS X, hit Cmd-R (Reveal in Finder) on the podcast in iTunes, then hit Cmd-I (Get Info) on the resultant file, choose your preferred PDF viewer (Preview is a good choice) in the Open With: pop-up menu, then click Change All. After this, pdfcasts will open in the proper client when you double-click them in iTunes.

Anyway, to view this pdfcast, you can either click on the individual PDF links in the blog entries on this page, or you can subscribe to the podcast feed (if that link doesn't work, try the itpc or http version, and please tell me it didn't work, and what happened. I'm still figuring out how this works).

Enjoy, and please come back here to leave comments about what you've read! I hope you find this experience both provocative and fun.



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